Thursday, 25 February 2010

Day 8

Breakfast: Porridge, Homemade Scone with Scottish Borders Honey, Hot Blackcurrant and Apple Juice.
Lunch: Oatcakes and Cheese. Co-op Raspberry and spring water drink.
Tea Time: Carrot and Parsnip Soup, Vegetable Hot Pot and Potato Wedges.
Evening Snack: Home made Rock Bun and Biscuits.

The Honey was very nice this morning, but for some products the closer you buy them to home the more expensive they can be: This Honey cost £4 something out of the Farm Shop. You could buy mixed honey from EC and Non EC countries for about a £1 something. In The Health Food Shop they had single source Welsh Honey for about £4 as well- but single source stuff from South America was half the price. I know there will be economic arguments about bulk production of things- but I struggle to see how it can be cheaper to bring something from the other side of the world and it still cost less than something from a couple of hundred miles away.

Oatcakes you would think would be a fairly Scottish and local product. But next time you see a pack have a look at the ingredients. Nairn's Rough Oatcakes and Sainsbury's Oatcakes both contain Palm Oil! Palm Oil is one of the products that contributes to deforestation in the world. Link Here. Why is there Palm Oil in Oatcakes?


  1. I think Patterson's used to sell a type specifically marked as free from palm oil but this was a few years ago. From memory Stockan's oatcakes were also ok. I think the palm oil is just the replacement fat in the traditional recipes, hard fats are generally better although difficult for a vegetarian.
    One final option is to make your own, one of my house mates used to do this and they were fantastic.I don't remember what she used as fat probably butter.

  2. Hi George, I did manage to get some that didn't have Palm Oil- Goodfellow and Steven had some with non-specific vegetable oil in. Could be anything. Olive Oil also is advertised prominently on Boxes of Oatcakes now. Added Value!
