Friday 19 March 2010

Day 30 (10 days to go!!!)

Breakfast: Shredded Wheat, Toast and Butter, Apple Juice.
Lunch: Oatcakes and Cheese, Apple.
Tea Time: Baked Potato with egg and carrot and onion and broccoli.
Evening: Bottle of Abbot Ale.

I'm needing a wee sweet thing for night like a cake or some shortbread biscuit or something- haven't been able to bring myself to do more than the easy bread though. That's like a necessity. I'm just too tired since not feeling well last weekend. Maybe I'll get round to it tonight.

The other thing that would be good would be ice cream or yoghurt. Both would technically be available from Scottish producers- but the flavourings (Particularly the main one- vanilla) are not likely to have come from the UK. I could buy natural yoghurt and flavour it myself I suppose, and have a go at Ice Cream myself. I think I've been preferring beer... or distraction.

Day 29

Breakfast was more shredded wheat and some bread I had made- with butter. Since last weekend I haven't fancied any honey. Apple Juice.
Lunch: At work so I had oatcakes and cheese and an apple.
TeaTime: I was going out for a meeting so it had to be fast food and I had Chips! Managed to buy Copella Apple and Mango Juice in the rush at the station- but realised and went back for the straight English apple juice. When I got in I had some toast.

And that's the story of my day in food. In the comments the other day Wattsie was asking about whether I had lost weight. I don't think I have, but if I have it's not much. I was expressing concern more about cholesterol, vitamins and amino acids that i might be missing out on. In the short term that's not going to be a giant problem but as I said before I don't think you would likely be a healthy vegetarian on just UK food. I'd happily be proved wrong though.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Day 28

Breakfast: Porridge, Apple Juice.
Lunch: Carrot and Parsnip Soup, Apple.
Tea Time: Homemade Cheese and Onion Pasty, Cabbage and Potato Wedges.

Emm I'm almost feeling back to normal again. Managed to make some more stuff- Pastys and more bread. I was eating cabbage in a deliberate (probably flawed) attempt to increase my iron intake.

Tomatoes are a big miss really. I would have had tomatoes most days and used them all the time for anything Italian and Indian. And tomato sauce on chips too. Because I feel on the home straight a bit I feel more comfortable in moaning about what I don't have because I would be able to get them all again fairly soon.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Day 27

Breakfast: Porridge
Lunch: Toast and Cheese, beetroot chutney. Apple.
Tea Time: Carrot, Parsnip and Apple Soup, Potato wedges.

Feeling a lot better- mainly almost well. Just not hungry really.

Managed to make some soup and wedges.

Forfeits: Bread £1

Missing tea like anything. I think I feel the need for tea more when I'm not well for some reason. Comforting I suppose. Water and juice aren't hitting the mark.

Monday 15 March 2010

Day 26

Scrambled Egg
Apple Juice and Water

Its a bit of a rubbish diet. Still not feeling that great- not hungry and still not up to cooking.

Forfeits: £1 for bread.

Sunday 14 March 2010

Day 25

Slice of Shortbread
Apple juice
Roasted Cheese

Didn't feel like eating or drinking much. Couldn't cook.
Forfeits: £1 for bread