Saturday 6 March 2010

Day 17

Breakfast: Shredded Wheat, Toasted Bread with Butter and Honey, Hot Apple and Blackcurrant Juice.
Lunch: Oatcakes and Cottage Cheese, Apple.
Teatime: Green Pea and Cheese Wedges, Baked potato and Parsnip and Carrot mix.
Evening Snack: Home made scones.

I do miss a nice strong cup of tea still. I don't really mind that everything is mainly pretty samey day to day. Still enjoying cooking- but the scones I made were not that great- didn't rise much and were pretty heard. Taste ok once buttered and honeyed up though.

Friday 5 March 2010

Day 16

Breakfast: shredded wheat. Home made bread with butter and honey. Hot apple and blackcurrent juice.
Lunch. Oatcakes and cottage cheese. Apples.
Tea time. Vegetable crumble and stovies. Apple buns and cream.

Menu very similar to yesterday. Went for a walk with work and could have done with a cup of tea to warm me up afterwards.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Day 15

Breakfast: Shredded Wheat, Homemade bread with honey and butter, hot apple and blackcurrant.
Lunch: Oatcakes with cottage cheese, apple.
Tea Time: Vegetable Crumble and Baked Potato; Apple Bun and cream.
Snack: Biscuit.

I notice the smell of garlic off of people. Its quite an intense smell. I would even say it was unpleasant. Its quite unusual because I like garlic and when I'm eating it I don't notice it from other people. The other intense smell I noticed was the bread aisle in Asda it was yeasty and dark and sweet. Maybe eating my own bread made with yeast will tone that smell down a bit.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Home baking- bread, cakes, pasties, and also crumble mix

Day 14

Breakfast: Porridge, Oatcakes, Butter and Honey, Hot Apple and Blackcurrant.
Lunch: Home made Bread and Cheese, Apples, home made apple bun.
Snack: Apple Buns, Homemade Biscuits.
Tea Time: Potato wedges and cheese, Onion Rings

Had a lot of fun baking in the morning. And felt very proud of my bread. My Own Bread!

Went out for tea tonight to the Copper Top. It's ok usually. They do a nice (definition: massively high calorie and fat) sweet in there, but on this diet there was next to nothing I could eat. They wouldn't do me a baked potato either.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Day 13

Breakfast: Shredded Wheat, Soda Bread with butter and honey, Hot Apple and Blackcurrant Juice.
Lunch: Oatcakes with Cottage Cheese, Apples, Water
Tea Time: Soup, Vegetable Hotpot with mashed potato and cabbage.
Evening Snack: home made biscuits.

I'm glad that Veg hot pot is finished.

These are the regular cheats I have to make to make my food more eatable and my time spen cooking not overwheming. I will give a forfiet of £1 per day for these:
Salt- We do produce salt in the UK and we have a big history of doing it across the central belt- the names of the towns around- Panmuirs, Saltcoats, Prestonpans, all testify to Salt production.
Pepper- I need something to spice it up a tiny bit- so it's pepper or mustard. Mustard is probably UK produced and hopefully is ok, but the Pepper probably comes from India or the temperate regions of the world. Salt and Pepper are in just about every recipe I use. I could leave it out but... The change from liberally using any flavour I fancied to nothing might just be too big.
Stock- I don't make my own stock. I have done in the past but its a bit of a palaver. I have been using Vegcon, although before I alternated between this and OXO veg stock. The oxo stuff definately has soya protien in it so is off the list. The Vecon stuff has a massive list of ingresients but they are UK based, and most would technically be available in the UK. There wasn't any info I could find about it on the web.
So there you go thats my cheats; Forfeit £40 for the 40 days.

Monday 1 March 2010

Day 12

Breakfast: Porridge, Soda Bread with butter and Honey and Apple Juice
Lunch: Scrambled Egg with toasted soda bread, Apple+ Blackcurrant Juice, Apple.
Tea Time: Vegetable Stovies, and Soda Bread, Water
Evening Snack: Hot Apple and Blackcurrant Juice, Water, Biscuit, Apple.

I know this menu will look very samey.

Here is my Vegetarian Stovies Recipe :

Large Onion
At least three types of Root Veg (eg, Potato, Carrot, Turnip, Beetroot, Parsnip) these can be in roughly equal amounts. Last night I had two Big Potatoes, 3 carrots, 1 Parsnip and 1 small beetroot.
Vegetarian Sausages (optional)
Rape Seed Oil
Vegetable Stock (1 cup)
Salt, Pepper

Slice the onion and fry in the oil. After about 5-10 mins add your veg and stir around. You can add extra flavours at this time- Curry ones can be quite nice, but I am just on Salt and Pepper just now. Add your small amount of stock and then simmer away until the veg are all very soft. (eg 40 mins). Usually I add veg sausages at the same time as the root veg but not for the next 28 days.

Sunday 28 February 2010

Day 11

Breakfast: Porridge; Homemade Soda Bread with butter and honey, Copella English Apple Juice and Hot Water.
Lunch: Biscuits and Cheese, Rock Bun, Apple Juice.
Tea Time: Vegetable Soup, Cheese and Green Pea Wedges with potato, onion and cabbage.

Despite feeling a bit ropey from over indulgence I managed not to take any painkillers- The caffeine would throw me out I think.
I wanted to write about soft drinks that are easily available, and from the UK. basically there are not that many that I know so far. Ones from Barr's which I might often have drunk will have too many ingredients to check- it would be like the thing with the bread- maybe the largest ingredient (water) would be from the UK but not all of them. So again the things I have been drinking have a very short ingredient list. Copella English Apple Juice is one of them. It says on the side English apples and vitamin C. The website makes no note about where the vitamin C comes from however. Its very sweet and I think you can dilute it. Its pretty widely available. The other thing would be UK bottled water which I am usually very reluctant to buy.
Both of these are available to us in Plastic Bottles.
The Co-op have some new drinks which are a mix of UK fruit juice and spring water and in a glass bottle- but this isn't so widely available in the city centre anyway. The downside is it looks like an alcopop!