Sunday 28 February 2010

Day 11

Breakfast: Porridge; Homemade Soda Bread with butter and honey, Copella English Apple Juice and Hot Water.
Lunch: Biscuits and Cheese, Rock Bun, Apple Juice.
Tea Time: Vegetable Soup, Cheese and Green Pea Wedges with potato, onion and cabbage.

Despite feeling a bit ropey from over indulgence I managed not to take any painkillers- The caffeine would throw me out I think.
I wanted to write about soft drinks that are easily available, and from the UK. basically there are not that many that I know so far. Ones from Barr's which I might often have drunk will have too many ingredients to check- it would be like the thing with the bread- maybe the largest ingredient (water) would be from the UK but not all of them. So again the things I have been drinking have a very short ingredient list. Copella English Apple Juice is one of them. It says on the side English apples and vitamin C. The website makes no note about where the vitamin C comes from however. Its very sweet and I think you can dilute it. Its pretty widely available. The other thing would be UK bottled water which I am usually very reluctant to buy.
Both of these are available to us in Plastic Bottles.
The Co-op have some new drinks which are a mix of UK fruit juice and spring water and in a glass bottle- but this isn't so widely available in the city centre anyway. The downside is it looks like an alcopop!

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