Saturday, 27 February 2010

Day 10: Black Friday

Breakfast: Shredded Wheat, Homemade Soda Bread, with butter and Honey, Hot Apple and Blackcurrant Juice.
Lunch: Cheese Omelette and Baked Potato
Tea Time: Sweet Potato Soup; Red Onion Tart with beetroot and feta salad.
Drinks: Copious amounts of Scottish originated beer and whiskey.

Eating Out: I had lunch in the Oasis Cafe which is in the building I work in. I know the staff a bit and had told them of my diet- so after deliberation from the menu I opted for the above which seemed to be all UK ingredients.
At Tea-time I was meeting friends for night out number 238. We went to the Red Onion which was very nice. I chose things which potentially could have been UK produced as far As I could- but we don't get sweet potatoes, feta cheese, rocket (at this time of the year),. I decided that my forfiet for this should be the whole cost of the meal.
I would really recommend both the Oasis - they have a great afternoon tea- very cheap, and Red Onion and intend to visit again with Yvonne- maybe after Lent though.
Forfiets £14

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